Tuesday, October 23, 2018

BLE Dual Mode finally coming up

Started poking around at my many year old (and mostly useless) BLE Nano's.  Turns out they're supposed to be able to support S130.  After a few hours, gave up, and finally threw them out so I won't waste more time on them next year.

A little more googling, turns out Adafruit has a feather that does S130 (actually S132 in this case).

Add this doo dad:

And I have a phone free CGMS, again.

So, with the Mi Band I can get custom notifications to it from Xcode, you can also send a notification that will make it buzz until you acknowledge, very cool.  Just have to convert all the Xcode for pairing etc. to Arduino land.  More on that later, much later.

Onto the hardware.  The feather can serve as Central to the Mi Band (ie. masquerade as a phone) and as peripheral to the iPhone.  It can be a casual relationship with the iPhone, where the phone is just a front end for calibrations, everything else lives on the feather, no phone, no problem.


  1. Hi,

    I saw on an earlier post that you are using a CC2500 to receive signals from the Dexcom G4, would you mind sharing the register settings etc for the CC2500 to receive signals from the G4? I'm just starting a project and looking at source code for the Wixel project and an article on hacking the Dexcom 4 hasn't been sufficient for me to be able to receive data.

  2. Sorry, I don't get google notifications when people comment anymore. Did you check out https://github.com/brownedon/CC2500-Project, yet?

    1. No, I hadn't gone far enough back in the post history to find your github profile, but found it, the CC2500 project and have the packet reception working now, so thanks!
