Monday, October 5, 2015

The final CC2500 Device

All this work on watches, and discussions about how small this device could be, got me motivated this weekend to make another (last) device.  This took the whole weekend.  Fiddling with eagle, realized I could do it without jumpers, and I left out the serial interface for programming.  Leaving out those traces makes a huge difference, no issues with trying to sneak by the CC2500 antenna.  Program the chip before installing...

Screenshot from eagle:

From the left:  Rfduino, CC2500, and a Polulu 5v to 3.3v converter.  Used a 40 maH lipo which fits on the top right.  I realized after the fact that I could make life easier on myself, and have dedicated pads for the lipo, that aren't so close too each other.  As it is, the lipo is directly soldered to the pin-header socket.

Completed device, in 3d printed ABS case.

It's almost bic lighter size.

A shot of the board, Dexcom for scale :)

And in it's charger base.