Then, added a pair of pin headers so this would be easier to work with. Also, these wires can only be flexed a couple of times before they break. Added copious amounts of hot glue to keep everything from moving around. I was going to post about the evils of hot glue... Maybe another day. All this onto a Radio Shack protoboard, and then some love with the dremel.
Finally, Breadboarded and talking to the Arduino. No problem receiving HR from a Garmin chest strap. Now I need to figure out how to send a HR value. Also, a Teensy is underneath the Uno, but the Serial Library's were causing me issues. Turns out, you can't use SoftwareSerial etc. You reference your serial ports as Serial1, Serial2 or Serial3.
Ex. SoftwareSerial bt(9,10);
It took me a while to find a posting on this.
On deck for this weekend. Hopefully get some code together for the Metawatch, and assemble something that I can carry around.
For less hopeful projects I'd like to try getting access to the Pebble, although that doesn't seem likely. Noone seems to have had any real luck with an Arduino, I'm looking into an article on "bit banging bluetooth" that looks promising.